
How To Build A Powerful HubSpot Dashboard

Jonathan Parisot
Jonathan Parisot
Mar 26, 2021 · 6 min read
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Use this sales report template to build more powerful HubSpot dashboards with HubSpot-Google Sheets integration.

Understanding your HubSpot data is essential to the growth and success of your business. Unfortunately, making the most of that data is easier said than done. There’s some good news, though. As of today, you can forget manual data entry and side-by-side analysis. Want to enhance your HubSpot reporting in just a few minutes? Pair the sales report template below with HubSpot-Google Sheets integration. Then, build an automated HubSpot dashboard with just a few clicks.

At the end of the article, I’ll also take a closer look at Actiondesk, the new solution I’m using in lieu of spreadsheets and sales report templates. Actiondesk is transforming the way we think about HubSpot-spreadsheet integration and HubSpot reporting, and is creating new avenues for working with data from multiple sources.

Article Breakdown

  1. The benefits of spreadsheets for HubSpot reporting
  2. What’s in the Google Sheets template for HubSpot reporting
  3. Key HubSpot reporting benefits you’ll get from this template
  4. The sales metrics questions these dashboards help you answer
  5. How to update this HubSpot dashboard with your own data
  6. How this HubSpot reporting template works
  7. A better HubSpot-Google Sheets integration solution

1. The benefits of spreadsheets for HubSpot reporting

If you use HubSpot, you already know that this CRM solution can help you collect, store, and leverage large quantities of data. You probably also know that the native sales dashboard is insufficient, clunky, and hard to customize. The good news is that there’s a workaround: building your own sales dashboard in a spreadsheet. There are a number of reasons I like using spreadsheets for my HubSpot data:

  • It’s easy to customize my HubSpot dashboard according to my exact needs and those of my business.
  • I can see multiple records at a glance.
  • When I want to understand a trend, it only takes me a few clicks to see the underlying records and to understand the trend’s root cause.
  • I can share insights with my team more conveniently.

Spreadsheets also give me deeper insight into my data, which I can use to answer key marketing and sales questions for my business like: 

  • Where are my leads coming from? How are they finding me?
  • How long does it take to close a deal on average? 
  • How many deals are there in each lifecycle stage?
  • What’s the performance of each sales representative? 
  • How am I performing compared to my objectives?
  • Based on the current pipeline, what’s the projected revenue for the next few months?

2. What’s in the Google Sheets template for HubSpot reporting

The only issue with building a spreadsheet for your HubSpot data is that it can take quite a bit of time. Thanks to an effective HubSpot-Google Sheets integration, I was able to build an advanced HubSpot dashboard from scratch. 

The process wasn’t easy (and it took a lot longer than if I’d been using my new favorite spreadsheet tool, Actiondesk), but it was a good starting point for getting my data out of HubSpot and into a more usable platform.

I decided to make a free downloadable version of my spreadsheet to save you time and energy. Designed to streamline key sales operations, my sales report template contains the following dashboards: 

  • Funnel analysis
  • Number of deals and amount per lifecycle stage
  • Number of deals per month per stage
  • Amount per month per stage
  • Closed won deals vs. objective per month per sales rep
  • Amount by sales rep per month
  • Amount by sales rep per stage
  • Number of deals per stage per sales rep
  • Contacts by source per month
  • Contacts by source as a per month percentage

Download the template at the end of this article! (the big pink button)

3. Key HubSpot reporting benefits you’ll get from this template

The dashboards in my sales report template can help you understand your business and your HubSpot data better than ever before. The dashboards can help you perform automatic calculations on data from the past 12 months to help you answer questions about the evolution of your pipeline and your sales performance over time. They can also help you identify potential issues within your sales cycle — as well as areas in which specific sales representatives or your business as a whole is exceeding expectations! 

Even better, you can learn how your leads are finding you and how each channel’s performance is evolving over time. With these insights, you can more effectively target your sales and marketing efforts. 

4. The sales metrics questions these dashboards help you answer

a/ Funnel analysis

Sales metrics Hubspot Google sheets

This HubSpot dashboard calculates the following metrics for each of the past 12 months:

  • Number of contacts
  • Number of opportunities
  • Ratio contacts/opportunities
  • Number of closed deals
  • Number of won deals
  • Number of lost deals
  • Close rate (%)
  • Win rate (%)
  • Loss rate (%)

This first HubSpot dashboard helps you answer the questions:

1. How is our overall pipeline evolving? 

> Over time, do we have more or fewer leads?

> Over time, do we have more or fewer opportunities?

2. How many deals have we won each month?

> Are we getting better or not?

3. If our pipeline is growing, is the win rate staying high or is it deteriorating?

> We might have more leads, but if our win rate is decreasing, we might have some leads we don’t actually want (and who waste our sales representatives’ time).

b/ Number of deals and amount per lifecycle stage

Sales metrics Hubspot Google sheets, deals

This second HubSpot dashboard helps you answer the questions:

1. How does our current pipeline look?
2. Do we have enough deals in the pipeline to reach this month’s objective (and the objectives of the following months)?

> If not, we need to do something about it: maybe run a campaign to increase the top of the funnel.

3. Based on the probability of each stage, how much revenue are we expected to make out of the current pipeline?
4. What’s the average deal value?

c/ Number of deals per month per stage

Sales metrics Hubspot Google sheets, deals per stage

This third HubSpot dashboard helps you answer the questions:

1. How many deals are in each stage for each month?
2. Do I have any deals that still aren’t closed after my normal sales cycle duration?

> Depending on the duration of your sales cycle, after a certain period of time, you shouldn’t have any deals that are not closed.

> For example, if your sales cycle duration varies between one week and two months, after two months, you shouldn’t have any deals that are not closed. 

> If you do, that’s a sign that there’s probably a problem that needs to be solved.

Similarly, you have the amount per month per stage, which can also help you answer these same questions:

Sales metrics Hubspot Google sheets, amount per month

d/ Closed win deals vs. objective win deals per month per sales rep

Sales metrics Hubspot Google sheets, closed

This HubSpot dashboard helps you answer the following questions:

1. How did this specific sales representative perform?
2. How is their performance evolving over time? 
3. How are they performing compared to their objectives?

Similarly, you have the amount per month per sales rep, which can also help you answer these same questions:

Sales metrics Hubspot Google sheets, per rep

e/ Number of deals per stage per sales rep

Sales metrics Hubspot Google sheets, per stage/rep

This HubSpot dashboard can help you answer these questions:

1. How is each sales rep’s current pipeline looking? 
2. Does each sales rep have enough deals in each stage to reach their objective for this month and for the following months?

Similarly, you have the amount per stage per sales rep, which can also help you answer these questions:

Sales metrics Hubspot Google sheets amount per stage/rep

f/ Number of contacts by source per month

Sales metrics Hubspot Google sheets, contacts 1

This HubSpot dashboard helps you answer these questions:

1. Through which channel are our leads finding our product?
2. How is each channel’s performance evolving over time?

Another way to look at this data is as a percentage for each month:

Sales metrics Hubspot Google sheets, contacts 2

5. How to update this HubSpot dashboard with your own data

Putting your data into my sales report template is easy. Just follow these steps: 

  • In “Deals,” erase the data in the range A2:H3000 and replace each column with your own data, which you can export from HubSpot using a HubSpot CSV.

  • In “Contacts,” use the “save” process to erase and replace the data in the range A2:210001.

  • In the “Instructions & inputs” tab, enter the 12 months for which you want to see your data.

  • If you’re using custom deal stages instead of the default HubSpot stages, you’re going to need to replace the names of the stages. 

6. How this HubSpot reporting template works

If you’re looking to understand a little more about how this template works, here are some key elements to focus on: 

  • The Deals & Contacts tabs contain raw data exported from HubSpot. The rest of the tabs are calculated dashboards.
  • Within Deals & Contacts, there is a calculated column that computes the creation month of each contact/deal. You don’t need to touch this formula, as it will apply automatically to your entire formula thanks to the ARRAYFORMULA. You can read more about array formulas here — they’re very useful in Google Sheets.
  • In “Sales rep breakdown,” the sales rep that appears in the dropdown input comes from the range AD2:AD12. This list will be automatically modified with your own sales rep using the UNIQUE() formula when you add your own data.
  • In each dashboard, the list of months uses the input in the “Instructions & inputs” tab, sometimes using the TRANSPOSE() formula.

7. A better HubSpot-Google Sheets integration solution

If you’re reading this article, you already know just how important it is to understand your sales data and sales lifecycle behavior — and to have access to robust sales reports. If you’re dealing with a manual HubSpot export every time you want to update your spreadsheet data, you may be wondering if there’s a simpler, more efficient process — one that still enables you to access the most up-to-date data. Luckily, there’s a simple way to achieve HubSpot-Google Sheets integration and streamline your HubSpot reporting.

Actiondesk is a groundbreaking solution that blends the functionality of a BI tool with the familiarity of a spreadsheet, letting you build automated HubSpot reports using only your spreadsheet skills. Actiondesk isn’t a Google Sheets connector. It’s a fully independent spreadsheet software that eliminates the need for you to ever copy-paste a HubSpot CSV again.

With Actiondesk, you can import all your data — from HubSpot and many other sources — into a single dashboard with just a few clicks. Once your data is in Actiondesk, you can play with it as much as you want. You can build a HubSpot dashboard, create graphs that represent your data visually, dig deeper into your data to understand the facts behind the numbers, and much more. Your dashboard will automatically update in real time, simplifying the HubSpot reporting process and giving you the confidence of knowing you’re always working with the most current data.

Get started with Actiondesk today with a 14-day free trial

If you’re interested in trying my free sales report template before committing to Actiondesk’s more powerful dashboard reporting solution, you can access the free download here:


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