Financial Reporting Template Template: Excel, Google Sheets, and Actiondesk

Sometimes called: Financial report, Cash flow Reports, Financial dashboard

Get a clear and detailed picture of a company's financial health

What you can do with this Financial Reporting Template template

Get a live and clear and detailed picture of your company's financial health
Identify areas where they are excelling and areas where they need improvement.
Make data-driven decisions and improve your company's overall financial strategy

Download our Financial Reporting Template spreadsheet template

Excel Download
If you like manually inputting data offline:
Download .XLSX
Google Sheets Download
If you like manually inputting data in the cloud:
Copy Google Sheet
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This report gives you a simple view of your key metrics (revenue, COGS, margin) and how it compares to your forecasts.
Thus, you can easily understand how the business is doing compared to what you had planned for.
If there's a delta, you can deep dive into the data and understand where it comes from.
Ultimately, you'll want to identify key actions to solve your problems. This is why we called Actiondesk, Actiondesk 😊