Google Ad Manager Master dashboard

Google Ad Manager

See at one glance all the metrics you care about as a publisher

Understand impressions, CTR and Revenue and trends over time

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Google Ad Manager Master dashboard

If you're a publisher, you're likely to want to know what ads from advertisers are performing the best on your website(s).

Google Ad Manager reporting module (Ad manager reporting) might help you with this, but lots of users find it cumbersome.
Nothing better than a good old spreadsheet to look at numbers, charts and trends.

With Actiondesk, you'll also be able to mix Google Ad Manager's data with other data sources (your CRM or Google Analytics for example).

With this template, you'll be able to see at one glance all the most important metrics you care about. Total ad impressions across ad units, clicks, click through rate and Revenue.

You can choose to look at the trends per day, week, month or even quarter.

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Google Ad Manager
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