
A Deep Dive into HubSpot Email Exports

Stephanie Lehuger
Stephanie Lehuger
May 21, 2021 · 6 min read

When managed correctly, HubSpot email marketing can drive huge results for sales and marketing professionals. Learn why a HubSpot reporting alternative like Actiondesk is an essential piece of this process.

Email is one of the most powerful channels available to today’s sales and marketing professionals. In fact, according to research from email marketing provider Litmus, for every $1 marketers spend on email marketing, they receive $42 in return. Not a bad ROI.

What’s the best way to tap into email marketing’s tremendous value? The short answer is, “Personalization.”

“Only the companies and brands that create human connection are going to succeed. This is extremely true with email,” explains HubSpot Marketing Manager Henni Roini. “You might get short term benefits from very promotional content, but honest, human, and personalized content creates a following for the long term.”

Effective personalization starts with developing a nuanced understanding of your audience and how they react to and engage with email content. Unfortunately, default HubSpot dashboards can only get you so far on this front. That’s why many sales and marketing professionals choose to pull their HubSpot email marketing data into a spreadsheet for detailed analysis.

Enter: HubSpot roadblock number two. While you’re able to get some of your email data out of HubSpot through a HubSpot export, you’re not able to export all of it using HubSpot’s standard functionality. Luckily, a HubSpot reporting alternative like Actiondesk can help.

To show you how, in this article, we’ll cover:

  1. How to export data on your HubSpot emails
  2. How to get HubSpot email data that can’t be included in a HubSpot export into a spreadsheet
  3. How to level-up your HubSpot email marketing with Actiondesk

How to export data on your HubSpot emails

To perform a standard HubSpot export of your email data, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to your HubSpot email marketing homepage.

From your main HubSpot dashboard, use the navigation bar in HubSpot to navigate to Marketing > Email.

2. Set your dashboard filters, then start your export.

HubSpot will only export data on the emails that are visible based on your current “Campaign” and “Type” filters. As such, it’s important to make sure these two filters are set in such a way that all the emails you want data on are showing up.

Once you’ve adjusted your filters, click the “Export emails” button that’s located on the right side of the page (right above the list of your emails).

3. Specify your HubSpot email export preferences.

Clicking the “Export emails” button will bring up a window in which you can specify the details of your HubSpot export.

  • Email address to receive this file: This one’s pretty straightforward. Simply enter the email address to which you’d like HubSpot to send your HubSpot email export once it’s complete.
  • File format: HubSpot gives you the option to export your emails as a .csv file, an .xls file, or an .xlsx file. There’s no “right” choice here. Choose the file type that will best suit your future needs.
  • Export type: You can use this option to further filter the emails that will be included in your HubSpot export. If you select the “All emails” option, HubSpot will include data on all the emails that fit the “Campaign” and “Type” dashboard filters you set in Step 2 above. Conversely, if you select the “Emails sent within a custom date range” option, HubSpot will only export data on the emails that fit your dashboard filters AND fall within the date range you specify.
  • Advanced options: If you check the “Include advanced export data” box, your HubSpot export will include 21 extra columns of data. These extra columns all apply to either the reason an email was not sent (for instance, if the recipient had previously unsubscribed from your emails or previously marked your emails as spam) or the reason an email bounced (for instance, an ISP misconfiguration, a DNS failure, or a full mailbox). Similarly, if you check the “Include preview link” box, HubSpot will add a column to your export that includes a link to a preview version of the email that resulted in the creation of each row of data.

4. Finish your HubSpot email export.

Double-check that your export preferences are good to go, then click the “Export” button. HubSpot will send you an email notifying you when your export is ready to be downloaded.

How to get HubSpot email data that can’t be included in a HubSpot export into a spreadsheet

As you can see, exporting your email data from HubSpot is not a particularly labor-intensive process. That said, it is rather limiting, as it prevents you from exporting a range of data points that are in HubSpot, but are not exportable. To break free of these limitations, sales and marketing professionals can use a HubSpot reporting alternative like Actiondesk to pull ALL their email data into a spreadsheet.

To import data on both your email performance statistics and your email events, follow these steps:

1. Log in to Actiondesk.

Log in to Actiondesk. If you don’t already have an Actiondesk account, you can sign up for a free 14-day trial here.

2. Start your HubSpot email statistics import.

Create a new tab in your Actiondesk spreadsheet by clicking the “+” to the right of your existing tabs. Name this tab something like “HubSpot Email Statistics Data.” Then, in the left sidebar of the Actiondesk interface, click “Import Raw Data.”

3. Specify your HubSpot email statistics import preferences.

In the “Data source” dropdown menu, select the HubSpot account from which you want to import your email data. If you need to connect a new HubSpot account to Actiondesk, follow these steps:

  1. In the “Data source” dropdown menu, select “New data source.”
  2. In the “Application” dropdown menu, select “HubSpot.”
  3. In the “Data source nickname” field, enter a name for this HubSpot account that you’ll be able to recognize easily.
  4. Click the “Add a data source” button.
  5. In the pop-up window, select the HubSpot account you want to connect to Actiondesk, then click the “Choose Account” button.
  6. Grant Actiondesk permission to extract your HubSpot data by clicking the “Connect app” button and filling out the reCAPTCHA verification.

Once you’ve selected your HubSpot account, in the “Table to import” dropdown menu, select “emailStatistics.” In the “Columns to import” section, check the boxes of all the columns of data you want to pull into Actiondesk. In addition to the columns that are included in a standard HubSpot email export, Actiondesk empowers you to import key calculated email metrics like unsubscribed ratio, bounce ratio, soft bounce ratio, hard bounce ratio, contacts lost ratio, and not sent ratio.

4. Finish your HubSpot email statistics import.

Double-check that your import preferences are good to go, then click the “Import” button.

5. Start your HubSpot email events import.

Once again, create a new tab in your Actiondesk spreadsheet by clicking the “+” to the right of your existing tabs. Name this tab something like “HubSpot Email Events Data.” Then, in the left sidebar of the Actiondesk interface, click “Import Raw Data.”

6. Specify your HubSpot email events import preferences.

Once again, in the “Data source” dropdown menu, select the HubSpot account from which you want to import your email data. In the “Table to import” dropdown menu, select “emailEvents.” In the “Columns to import” section, check the boxes of all the columns of data you want to pull into Actiondesk. This is where Actiondesk’s value-add really starts to shine.

Want a list of the specific URLs email recipients click? How about the length of time that recipients keep your emails open? Or which browser (even which version of which browser) recipients use to open your emails? HubSpot doesn’t give you a way to export this data as a .csv, .xls, or .xlsx file. With Actiondesk, pulling this kind of information into a spreadsheet is as easy as pulling in simple data like the total number of emails you’ve sent through HubSpot.

7. Finish your HubSpot email events import.

Double-check that your import preferences are good to go, then click the “Import” button.

Level-up your HubSpot email marketing with Actiondesk

Ready to take your HubSpot email marketing to the next level? In just a matter of seconds, you can pull all your HubSpot email marketing data into Actiondesk. Et voilà! You can now organize, analyze, and visualize it using the same spreadsheet formulas and shortcuts you’re accustomed to using in tools like Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel.

What’s more, you can easily integrate your email data with your data on HubSpot contacts, companies, deals, and more, helping you uncover key insights into how prospects and customers interact with your company across your entire sales cycle. Plus, once you’ve imported all this data into Actiondesk once, the data will update in real time as your data changes in HubSpot — no more manual imports!

Better still, Actiondesk enables you to mix data from multiple sources — not just HubSpot — in a single spreadsheet. Analyzing your HubSpot data right alongside your Airtable, Intercom, Salesforce, SQL, and Stripe data, gives you cross-channel insight into your relationships with prospects and customers. In turn, this enables you to produce and deliver the kind of “honest, human, and personalized” email content that can drive a 42x ROI.

Sign up for a free 14-day trial of Actiondesk to see how better data analysis can improve your HubSpot email marketing results!

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